Corporate report

Geospatial Commission: Board of Commissioners meeting 24 September 2021

Published 23 January 2020

Geospatial Commission, Third Board of Commissioners

24 September 2019, 10:00 - 14:15

Institute of Mechanical Engineers,1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London, SW1H 9JJ


Sir Andrew Dilnot (Chair)
Nigel Clifford
Thalia Baldwin
Steve Blair (from item 2)
Kru Desai
Edwina Dunn OBE
Michael Mire (until item 3)
Steve Unger

Commission unit

Jamie Clark (from item 3)
Joe Cuddeford
Asad Ghani
Rosalind Goodfellow
Tim Howard
Bomi Okuyiga
Madeleine Scanlan


Shona Nicol (Scottish Government, from item 2)
Glyn Jones (Welsh Government)
Jim Lennon (Northern Irish Government)


Dame Kate Barker

1. Minutes and matters arising

  1. Apologies were received from Dame Kate Barker.

  2. Michael Mire reported that he and Steve Blair, as the two commissioners nominated by the Commission’s six Partner Bodies to represent them, had consulted with Partner Bodies ahead of this meeting.

2. Understanding the geospatial data market

  1. Bomi Okuyiga provided an overview of initial work carried out within the Commission to build evidence on the geospatial data market, or data ecosystem, and a proposed research study into this topic.

  2. The aim of the geospatial data market study will be to help the Commission develop an in-depth understanding of the features of the geospatial data market, its participants and the dynamics of how it operates. Developing an improved understanding of the geospatial data market is central to ensuring the Commission’s recommendations and actions are as effective as possible.

  3. The term ‘ecosystem’ was suggested as an alternative to ‘market’. The Board considered additional topic areas that could be considered through the study, including:

  4. flows of value, and flows of funds, from/to the geospatial ecosystem and the wider economy;

  5. what initiatives may be holding back innovation;

  6. how the ecosystem might evolve in the next five to ten years; and

  7. using an industry/sector lens, what the greatest opportunities are.

  8. The Board discussed the importance of bringing external expertise into the development of the market study and considered how best to do this.

3. Draft framework for a geospatial strategy

  1. Thalia Baldwin provided an overview of the Commission’s emerging framework for the national geospatial strategy.

  2. The Board considered how best to develop and communicate a compelling vision for geospatial data in the UK. This should:

  3. be relevant and engaging for all those who could have a potential interest;

  4. communicate the significance of geospatial data and avoid it seeming ‘niche’ or isolating its relevance from its use; and

  5. set out an ambitious long term vision for the UK while also being accompanied by bold steps that the Commission, its Partner Bodies and others can take now.

  6. The Board discussed themes that the Commission was developing for its strategy, which included:

  7. a coherent policy position based on:

  • an understanding of the economic and societal value of geospatial data and future geospatial data trends;

  • exploration of new models for opening up access to public  sector geospatial data;

  • new mechanisms for enabling the sharing of private sector data;

  • ensuring consumer confidence in the use of data that is authoritative and secure;

  1. specific initiatives to improve the quality, interoperability and accessibility of data;

  2. the importance of boosting geospatial skills and capability across the sector; and

  3. the role(s) government can play to support innovation and the use of new technologies to solve problems in the public and private sectors.

  4. The Commission Unit will continue to engage with Partner Bodies, users of Partner Body data and other key stakeholders over the coming months to draw together evidence and perspectives prior to setting its strategy for publication in Spring 2020.

4. Conclusions and next steps

  1. There was no other business. The next meeting of the Board of Commissioners will take place on Thursday 24 October 2019.