Statutory guidance

Variation issued: Thursday 1 October 2020

Updated 13 September 2024

1. Check your licence

It is your responsibility to check your licence documents before going to sea as licences can be changed at any time. The most up to date licences can be accessed on the understand your fishing vessel licence page.

The variations effective from 00:01 hours, Thursday 1st October 2020 are as follows:

2. For your information

  • MMO have been informed by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) that a number of granite boulders have been deposited on the sea bed which may interfere with bottom towed trawling or other low depth fishing operations. Caution is advised if conducting fishing operations in the vicinity. Information provided by MCA suggests they have been deposited in the following locations:

55 02.376N 001 38.714E
55 07.634N 001 31.107E
55 12.513N 001 40.217E
55 06.742N 001 48.859E
55 07.048N 001 44.287E
55 09.466N 001 44.934E
55 09.958N 001 40.287E
55 10.041N 001 35.681E
55 07.574N 001 35.160E
55 05.172N 001 34.863E
55 04.874N 001 39.238E
55 04.472N 001 43.709E
55 08.705N 001 37.568E
55 07.208N 001 39.576E
55 05.780N 001 41.502E

In addition to the information previously provided, MMO have been informed of further boulder deposits. Caution is advised if conducting fishing operations in the vicinity. Information provided suggests they have been deposited in the following locations:

55 03.386N 001 41.195E
55 03.642N 001 39.114E
55 03.768N 001 36.905E
55 05.058N 001 37.226E
55 06.465N 001 35.097E
55 06.559N 001 32.944E
55 07.735N 001 33.180E
55 08.922N 001 33.408E
55 11.350N 001 38.219E
55 11.171N 001 40.348E
55 10.961N 001 42.601E
55 09.626N 001 42.574E
55 08.267N 001 44.613E
55 08.190N 001 46.732E
55 06.845N 001 46.518E
55 05.656N 001 46.119E
55 05.854N 001 44.055E

  • The Cod VIIb-k quota is a by-catch only quota and the MMO asks all Fishers to do all they can to avoid catching Cod in this area.

  • Cod is subject to the landing obligation and as such any landings in excess of the monthly catch limits, will be reviewed in line with the MMOs Compliance and Enforcement Strategy, considering any avoidance measures that fishers have applied and the level of excess Cod landed, and may be dealt with through the use of proportionate regulatory compliance measures.

3. Under 10m Quota Increase

Affecting licence Cat A (91/99):

  • Cod in ICES sea area VIId from 0.6t to 0.8t
  • Skates and rays in ICES sea area VIId from 1.2t to 2t
  • Sole in ICES sea areas VIIf&g from 2t to 2.5t

4. Under 10m Quota Decrease

Affecting licence Cat A (91/99):

  • Sole in ICES sea area VIIe from 2t to 1.5t

5. Over 10m Quota Increase

Affecting licence Cat A (11/99) and Cat A Islands (12/99):

  • Anglerfish in ICES sea area VII from 3t to 5t
  • Cod in ICES sea area VIId from 0.5t to 0.8t
  • Sole in ICES sea area VIId from 1.5t to 2t

6. Over 10m Quota Decrease

Affecting licence Cat A (11/99) and Cat A Islands (12/99):

  • Cod in ICES sea areas VIIb-k from 0.015t to 0.01t (strictly bycatch only)
  • Sole in ICES sea area VIIe from 1t to 0.7t

7. Amendment to Licence Schedules

Affecting licence Cat A (11), Cat A Islands (12), Cat A Pelagic (17), Cat B (31) and Cat C (41):

  • Scallop effort days for Q4 (0001hrs 1st October 2020 – 2359hrs 31st December 2020) set at 80 days.