Promotional material

Fast Track Video Library

Learn a bit more about the Fast Track from this collection of videos.

This publication was withdrawn on

The Fast Track Apprenticeship programme is now closed.



‘Five Doors’

Project Delivery

Lizelle’s story depicts a day in the life of a Project Delivery apprentice.


Emma’s story depicts a day in the life of a Commercial apprentice.


Imman’s story (featuring Myrah) depicts a day in the life of a Finance apprentice.


Conor’s story depicts a day in the life of a Business apprentice.


Make a difference!

Make a difference! - What the Civil Service does and where the Fast Track comes in.

Where will a career in the Civil Service take you?

Where will a career in the Civil Service take you?

A view from the inside

A view from the inside; current apprentices talk about their experiences on the scheme.

Published 15 April 2016