Research and analysis

Exploration of the Offshore Investment Market

This report presents findings from qualitative research designed to gain further insight into the offshore investment market.



This research was commissioned by HMRC to provide further insight into the operation of the offshore investment market. The specific aims were to:

  • collect views and experiences from financial advisors about the offshore investment market and approaches they use for UK residents;
  • explore with financial advisors their understanding of their customer base and the genesis and ongoing nature of the advisor/customer relationship;
  • identify the stages in and influences on the decision making process that financial advisors perceive their customers make around understanding and accessing offshore products; and
  • identify with financial advisors if, when and where potential tax management issues are raised and if and how these are managed.

In-depth interviews took place between July and September 2015 with representatives from 16 UK authorised banks that offered offshore investment advice.

Published 28 September 2016