Independent report

Evaluation report and annexes of Mine Action

This evaluation explores the impact of the DFID Mine Action programme across a number of thematic areas.


Mine Action: Evaluation report

Mine Action annexes


The UK Department for International Development (DFID) has been providing significant funding to mine action for more than 20 years. In recent years, support has been predominantly channelled through its Mine Action (MA) Programme, a £30 million programme implemented in 2011–2013.

In February 2013, WYG International was commissioned to evaluate the DFID Mine Action Programme. Evidence was collected by literature review, desk research, key informant interviews and community impact surveys. Four of the countries supported by the DFID MA Programme were visited: Cambodia, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Sudan. These countries present a range of profiles showing different realities of mine and explosive remnants of war (ERW) contamination, degrees of national capacities and programme ownership, quality of governance and commitment to development. The evaluation explores the impact of the Programme across a number of thematic areas. These are: deriving socio-economic benefits to communities from mine action, strengthening the link between mine action and the development process, promoting national ownership and capacity for mine action, delivering VFM, and consolidating programme management.

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Published 18 June 2014

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