
ESFA Update local authorities: 11 November 2020

Published 11 November 2020

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Read the latest editions of ESFA Update for up to date news and information.

Applies to England

1. Latest information on coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Department for Education has published guidance about COVID-19 in educational settings for staff, parents and carers, pupils and students on GOV.UK.

There is also guidance on the apprenticeship service about COVID-19.

Please check GOV.UK regularly for updates.

2. Information: monitoring post-16 funding

We have published the final reports for the 2019 to 2020 funding year in Submit learner data.

We have also released a new post-16 monitoring reports dashboard containing this information in View your education data. This is a preview of the new format we will use for 2020 to 2021 onwards for you to review and leave feedback on. This will help us develop the product further before we publish 2020 to 2021 data at R04.

We have published a user guide to support the dashboard. The user guide explains how to access and navigate the dashboard, with details of how you can export all of your data in a single file for importing into your own systems. It summarises the reports that support financial assurance: monitoring the funding rules for post-16 funding for 2020 to 2021, including the actions you need to take and what we will do to assure funding.

If you need any further support, please submit an enquiry.

3. Information: guidance for the delivery and application of industry placements – Capacity and Delivery Fund (CDF) from the 2021 to 2022 academic year

We have published guidance for delivery and new funding applications for industry placements – Capacity and Delivery Fund (CDF) from the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

CDF was introduced to support providers to build capacity for the delivery of T Level style industry placements. As T Level delivery increases over the next three years, industry placements delivered through CDF will be phased out. CDF will continue to support both level 2 and level 3 industry placements but at a reduced funding rate per qualifying student. The guidance explains in full the changes for both the 2021 to 2022 academic year and how and when the fund will be wound down.

The guidance also includes information on how to apply for CDF for 2021 to 2022 academic year.  Providers can now apply for CDF with no minimum Ofsted grade threshold. This will enable those providers currently not in receipt of CDF and who intend to deliver T Levels in the future to build their capacity and capability in readiness.

4. Information: the beta version of the cross year indicative payments reports has launched

We have published a new beta funding report at R03 to help you understand your apprenticeship payments from August to November whilst both the 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021 ILR funding years were open.

This beta report uses the payments from your existing funding summary reports to indicate the funding you should see on your remittance advice for your non-levy procured apprenticeships and for your apprenticeships where the employer is on the Apprenticeship Service. For your non-levy procured contracts, this report also shows the amount of capping that we may have applied.

You can find this report in your period end reports folder, with the submission history section on Submit learner data.

For further information and queries please use the ESFA enquiry form.