
Emergency and security arrangements at Dounreay

Information on the security and emergency planning arrangements at Dounreay.


Dounreay offsite emergency plan



The nature of the materials and hazards at NRS Dounreay means that the security of the site is vitally important to the decommissioning process.

The site is required to comply with the Nuclear Industries Security Regulations 2003 (NISR 2003) and site specific security plans.

  • Security at the site is regulated by the ONR (Civil Nuclear Security).
  • Policing at the site is provided by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary.

Emergency arrangements

Emergency planning is an important part of the defence-in-depth approach to managing the site’s radiological and chemical hazards.

The site has well-rehearsed emergency arrangements to safeguard the workforce, public and environment in the event of an emergency.

The site’s emergency plan is an important part of the operational safety arrangements, and describes how the site will respond to an emergency. It is a requirement under UK regulations and the arrangements are regulated by ONR.

Exercises are held routinely to demonstrate the adequacy of these arrangements and enable key personnel to practice and rehearse their roles.

In the event of an emergency at Dounreay, Police Scotland will inform the public about what is happening and any precautions that may be necessary. Police Scotland also takes the lead in the release of information to the media during an emergency.

Other external organisations will have key roles to perform in an emergency at Dounreay. The response of those organisations is summarised in the off-site emergency plan produced by the Highland Council. The off-site emergency plan, containing advice on what to do in the event of an emergency at Dounreay or Vulcan can be viewed here together with an information leaflet for residents living in the emergency planning zone.

Dounreay has a duty press officer on call 24 hours a day in support of the site’s emergency arrangements.

The detailed emergency planning zone (DEPZ) is the area around the site where public protection measures are planned in detail in advance. The boundary reflects the worst-case radiation emergency that can be reasonably foreseen, resulting in potential exposure of the public to 1 millisieverts or more of radiation (the average annual exposure to a member of the public from all sources of radiation is 2.2 millisieverts).

The Dounreay emergency plan and the Highland Council off-site plan were revised in 2020 to meet the requirements of the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019 (REPPIR).

Published 4 April 2016