FOI release

Early release schemes

Published 28 March 2012

We were asked for information about early release schemes, specifically:

  • Full details of early release schemes used to reduce headcount in the department and related agencies since May 2010 and including all years for which financial projections have been made;
  • For each year during the period, details of projected and actual changes in headcount, the projected/actual breakdown between voluntary/compulsory departures, and allocated/actual costs.

The Wales Office has undertaken one Voluntary Early Departure scheme, advertised in January 2012, which aimed to increase resourcing flexibility and aid headcount reduction by the end of 2014/15. As a result of the scheme we anticipate an actual reduction in headcount of 4. £800k was allocated for this scheme but actual costs are predicted to be £137,633.

As background, staff at the Wales Office are on loan from another government department, and are therefore eligible for the voluntary release schemes offered by their parent departments.