
Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit: data retention schedule

Updated 9 July 2020

This schedule outlines the length of time the Home Office retains personal data in accordance with its licensing functions as carried out by the Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit.

The Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit (DFLU), Home Office, collects personal details in the consideration of the following types of licensing:

  • domestic drugs
  • industrial hemp
  • precursor chemicals
  • S.5 Prohibited Firearms
  • shooting clubs
  • museums in reference to holding firearms
  • for the importation and exportation of controlled substances

This data is collected by DFLU to enable it to carry out its statutory and other functions, including those related to law enforcement, safeguarding against, and the prevention of, threats to public security.

Under the Data Protection Bill, specifically Law Enforcement, DFLU must only retain data for as long as is necessary and for the purpose for which it is processed. DFLU will retain data for each of the above listed licences for a maximum of 25 years.

1. Review of Retention Periods and Data Storage

DFLU will review any retention periods for the data it collects under the consideration of changes laid down in statute. In all circumstances, DFLU will reconsider this data retention schedule every 5 years to ensure data continues to be held for as long as is necessary, and for the purpose for which it is processed.

This document will be updated at each review.