Corporate report

Active Travel England webinar privacy notice

Updated 10 April 2024

The Active Travel England (ATE) engagement webinars are designed to share best practice and ideas to support active travel schemes. When you provide your details to Active Travel England via the Microsoft Teams sign-up form, we will process your personal data to improve and measure the services and effectiveness of our webinars and to deliver the services of Active Travel England. 

The processing of personal data that it entails is necessary for the exercise of our functions as a government department.  

The data controller is Active Travel England. 

What data is collected? 

  • your name and email address, which we use to provide your webinar link, reminder emails or any post-webinar communications
  • your job title and organisation, which we use for data and analysis purposes
  • your name and question, if you submit a question using the Q&A tab – attendees have the option to submit a question anonymously by selecting ‘post as anonymous’

Data sharing and security 

If you provide an email address for a Welsh local authority, we will share the following information with Transport for Wales: 

  • the number of webinar registrants from each Welsh local authority
  • list of Welsh local authorities registered

We will not provide individual names or identifiable personal information to Transport for Wales. 

Data will be stored securely on ATE IT infrastructure and will be shared with ATE staff who provide email, document management storage and customer relationship management services.  

Data retention 

We will retain your personal data for 30 days following the date of the webinar. 

ATE’s personal information charter has more information about your rights in relation to your personal data, how to complain and how to contact the Data Protection Officer.