Corporate report

DFID Annual Report and Accounts 2015 to 2016: Results Technical Notes

Important points to note in relation to results data.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government


DFID Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16


Data sources

  • the information on results is collected from DFID country offices, central DFID departments and multilateral institutions. The data is collected from a variety of sources, such as representative sample surveys of households, management information systems held by our partner country governments and individual project data generated from routine project monitoring by our partners


DFID Results Framework (DRF) 2011 to 2015

  • DRF total results achieved since baseline up to 2014 to 15 are presented. Baselines were set in March 2011 and may vary across country and indicator reflecting the latest data available at the time. The results are disaggregated by sex where relevant, subject to data availability

  • for most indicators final results run up to March 2015
  • for some indicators, final results run up to December 2015

These are:

  • number of maternal lives saved through DFID support
  • number of newborn lives saved through DFID support
  • number of unique people reached with one or more water, sanitation or hygiene promotion intervention
  • number of people with sustainable access to clean drinking water sources with DFID support
  • number of people with sustainable access to an improved sanitation facility through DFID support
  • number of people with access to improved hygiene through DFID support to hygiene promotion
  • number of children under five, breastfeeding and pregnant women reached through DFID’s nutrition relevant programmes

Single Departmental Plan (SDP) 2015-2020

  • SDP total results achieved since April 2015 up to March 2016 are presented. Results may vary across country and indicator reflecting the latest data available at the time. The results are disaggregated by sex where relevant, subject to data availability

General reporting

  • the results estimates are either cumulative indicators or peak year indicators
    • cumulative indicators take the sum of the results achieved across the various years to measure performance
    • peak year indicators aggregate results for each programme in the particular year for which the programme achieved the greatest results. This ensures we measure the number of unique individuals reached and avoids any double counting
  • DFID results greater than 10,000 have been rounded down to the nearest 10,000 and results between 1,000 and 10,000 have been rounded down to the nearest 1,000
  • sex disaggregated results may not sum to the total due to rounding
  • multilateral results are rounded down to the nearest thousand except in cases where the multilateral institution uses a different rounding practice


  • the results presented as part of the 2015 to 2016 Annual Report represent the latest data available, and generally represent results as at end March 2016 (unless otherwise specified)
  • there are time lags associated with obtaining confirmed results figures in many countries, and some results delivered have yet to be confirmed and/or fully available. Therefore, the results reported here may not represent all results achieved up to March 2015 for the DRF, or up to March 2016 for the SDP
  • when results estimates are published, they are updated to take account of any further information which has become available for earlier years


  • given the range of data sources used, the accuracy of the results data varies and is subject to the quality of the underlying data source. In many cases DFID uses data collected by others (e.g. partner country governments, international organisations) and therefore DFID has limited control over the quality of the data
  • statistics Advisers in DFID under take quality assurance of the results data and attempt to minimise the source of any errors although there is a risk that errors may still exist

The types of errors which DFID attempts to minimise include:

  • double counting: identifying unique beneficiaries and avoiding duplication in reporting between programmes
  • attribution: measuring the results which can be associated with DFID interventions/funding.
  • coverage: to ensure the results are representative there is sometimes a need to overcome challenges in collecting data such as security challenges. This can sometimes jeopardise the completeness and the accuracy of the results estimates.

Coherence and Comparability

  • DFID has developed and published methodological guidance on each indicator to help ensure consistency of measurement across countries and permit meaningful aggregation of results
  • where possible, indicators use internationally agreed definitions as outlined in the methodology notes


Occasionally, errors will occur in our statistical processes. We do everything we can to minimise these errors and continually review our processes and procedures to minimise this. Where these errors occur, figures will be revised in the following year’s Annual Report.

Further information

Multilateral organisations

The table below shows the abbreviations and full names of the multilateral organisations which contribute to the multilateral results indicators under level 2 of the DRF. The results source for each organisation is also shown.

Abbreviation Full name Source
AfDB African Development Bank AfDB Annual Development Effectiveness Review 2014
AsDB Asian Development Bank AsDB 2014 Development Effectiveness Review
CDB Caribbean Development Bank Caribbean Development Bank: Development Effectiveness Review 2014
ECHO European Union budget, Development and Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection departments of the European Commission ECHO internal database
GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation GAVI Alliance mission and strategic goal indicators
GFATM Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 2014 Global Fund programmatic results
GPE Global Partnership for Education GPE Grant Portfolio Review Report 2014
IADB Inter-American Development Bank IADB Development Effectiveness Overview 2014
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Annual Report 2013
IDA International Development Assistance The World Bank Corporate Scorecard
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development 2014 Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness (RIDE)
IFC International Finance Corporation IFC Annual Report 2014
IOM International Organisation for Migration IOM Annual Report 2013
PIDG Private Infrastructure Development Group Results from internal post-completion monitoring database
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO internal database
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNFPA (internal) donor support database
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR Global Report 2014
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund Annual Report of the Executive Director 2015
UNITAID United Nations International Drug Purchasing Facility UNITAID key performance indicators 2013
WFP World Food Programme Annual Performance Report for 2013

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Published 25 July 2016

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