FOI release

Details of driving test pass and fails recorded at driving test centres and centrally

Published 22 August 2013

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is Freedom of Information request IA/0059312.

1. Request

Could you please provide me with the following information in relation to driving test candidates:

What electronic records and details are kept of a driving test candidate who either passes or fails their driving test at a Driving Test Centre (DTC)?

I would be grateful if you could confirm what details are recorded locally at a DTC and what details are recorded centrally and it what respective formats those records are recorded please.

2. Response

I can confirm that no electronic records about a driving test candidate are held by a test centre unless a compliant has been forwarded electronically. A paper copy of the candidates driving test report (DL25) is held at the driving test centre that conducted their driving test. A paper copy of the test centre’s daily journal showing that days programme is kept with the DL25. This will include details of the candidates name, address, driving licence number and type of test to be conducted.

A copy of the DL25 which shows the information captured can be found on our website at This information is therefore exempt under section 21 (information accessible by other means) of the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA). A copy of this exemption in full can be found at Annex A.

A scanned image of the DL25 is held centrally and in electronic format. In addition to this, we also hold the following information electronically on our test booking and results systems:

  • Candidate details – title, name, address including postcode, date of birth, gender, age at time of test, contact telephone number and email address.
  • Reference numbers – application reference number, driver number, theory test certificate number
  • Test details – date and time of test, test centre, test category, test result and driving examiner
  • Test booking – full booking history, masked credit/debit card payment details, details of any amendments or cancellations and details of any candidate needs for the test (if supplied at the time of booking)

We would also hold any complaints made by a candidate centrally, both in paper copy and electronic formats.