FOI release

Daily Dose website - Payments to Wired International Ltd.

18680 We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:  The Home Office provided financial support …

This publication was withdrawn on

Includes out-of-date link.



We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following: 

The Home Office provided financial support to the Daily Dose website (a Drugs awareness site) The website states that funding was received from the Home Office.

How much money has been paid by the Home Office to Wired International Ltd (a Charity)?

We released the following information on 9 June 2011.


Since 2005, the Home Office has made the following payments to the charity Wired International Ltd:

2007-08 - £5000.00
2008-09 - £10,000.00
2009-10 - £10,000.00
2009-10 - £5,000.00

This funding was for the specific purpose of supporting the operation of the Daily Dose website. 

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Published 9 June 2011

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