Research and analysis

CORS survey August 2020 responses report - overview

Updated 14 May 2021

Applies to England

This is the summary from the fifth of our temporary monthly surveys about how providers are coping with some of the challenges they face as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Providers were asked to submit survey responses covering the period up to and including 31 August, by Friday 7 September. The response rate was 97% and we are grateful to all providers who responded.

Providers’ responses show that the delivery of services remained stable. The number of providers completing all statutory gas safety checks rose substantially, as illustrated in the graph above, and access to properties continued to improve. The graph also shows that providers reported completing more fire compliance, asbestos, electrical, legionella and lift checks.

On care and support, most providers continued to report no issues with staffing. Face-to-face support services are resuming, and communal areas are being reopened.

Providers reported that backlogs in repairs and health and safety checks were improving overall. In areas with local lockdown restrictions, a small number of providers have reverted to an emergency-only repairs service, and reported some increasing backlogs in health and safety checks.

The vast majority of providers were working through backlogs of non-emergency repairs, as repair reporting continued to revert to normal levels. Many providers have extended normal response times for routine repairs as they deal with backlogs. Some providers reported that they have already cleared backlogs of routine repairs and have returned to business as usual.

Providers reported that they have concerns about a potential second wave of coronavirus and additional lockdown restrictions. In care and support settings, some providers have said that this could increase their usual winter challenges and put additional pressure on staffing and supplies. Many providers have begun preparing by increasing stocks of personal protective equipment and other materials, carrying out health and safety checks earlier than scheduled, and making contingency plans to address any staffing pressures.