
Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: cynlluniau arbed treth - taliadau cyflymedig CC/FS24

Mae'r daflen wybodaeth hon ynglyn â chynllun arbed treth ac anfon hysbysiad o daliad cyflymedig.



Arweiniad yn unig yw’r taflenni gwybodaeth hyn sy’n adlewyrchu safbwynt Cyllid a Thollau ar adeg eu hysgrifennu.

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 12 August 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 12 August 2022 + show all updates
  1. New sections have been added: 'If you need help', 'Our privacy notice' and 'If you are not happy with our service'.

  2. Change made to 'General information about surcharges' paragraph to explain what is meant by a reasonable excuse.

  3. Information on how to make representations updated in section on 'what to do if you disagree with the accelerated payment notice'.

  4. Welsh translation added: Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: cynlluniau arbed treth - taliadau cyflymedig CC/FS24

  5. Updated following important changes to legislation extended to cover National Insurance contributions with effect from 12 April 2015.

  6. Welsh translation of Compliance checks: tax avoidance schemes - accelerated payments CC/FS24 has been added. Gwiriadau Cydymffurfio cyfieithiad Cymraeg : cynlluniau osgoi treth - cyflymu taliadau CC / FS24 wedi ei ychwanegu.

  7. A new version of this factsheet has been added to this page due to changes around penalties and partnerships.

  8. First published.

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