
Decision on Jenoptik Photonics Sense GMBH Ltd

Updated 6 October 2022

Order under the Companies Act 2006

In the matter of application No. 3787

And the matter of costs following a change of company name of registration No. 13708119


I refer to the previous decision of this tribunal issued in relation to this matter on 21 June 2022 (BL O/529/22).

Further to that decision, the official letter of 5 August 2022 was issued to the parties in the following terms:

Further to previous correspondence in this matter, it is noted that, on 27 June 2022, ‘Notice of removal of directors details under section 1095 of the Companies Act 2006’ was registered on Companies House website and that Ms Allan is no longer listed as a company director.

In the light of this, the tribunal is minded to remove Ms Allan as a co-respondent and to issue a supplementary decision on costs against the primary respondent only (i.e. against the company only). In the absence of any adverse comments from the parties within 14 days of the date of this letter, the tribunal will proceed accordingly.

No response was received from the parties in response to that letter. Accordingly, JENOPTIK AG, having been successful in its application for a change of the company name of registration no. 13708119, is entitled to a contribution towards its costs. I order 13708119 Ltd (formerly JENOPTIK PHOTONICS SENSE GMBH LTD) to pay JENOPTIK AG costs on the following basis:

Fee for application: £400
Statement of case: £400

Total: £800

This sum is to be paid within twenty-one days of the date of this order.

Dated 5 October 2022

Beverley Hedley
Company Names Adjudicator