Community Safety Accreditation Scheme
18505 We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following: Whether the Home Office produced a 2010 audit…
We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:
Whether the Home Office produced a 2010 audit of the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS)?
What progress has been in made in establishing the ‘Forum for Innovation in Crime Prevention’ mentioned on page seven of the Home Office publication ‘A New Approach to Fighting Crime’?
We released the following information on 20 September 2011.
Until 2010 the Home Office conducted an annual audit or survey of CSAS accreditation. This included a survey of employers involved in the scheme at December 2010. This can be found at -
The Home Secretary has made clear that we will not place an undue bureaucratic burden on forces by requiring them to waste valuable time on reporting figures to us. This is why we no longer conduct an annual audit.
CSAS is highly localised, with the flexibility to adapt according to local needs and priorities. We will, therefore, be working with forces to support them in publishing details of their schemes at a local rather than national level.
The Forum for Innovation in Crime Prevention met on 17 June and agreed the terms of reference for the group.
It was also agreed that work would be undertaken over the Summer months to scope out a number of possible projects. A meeting of the full Forum was scheduled to take place in October 2011 where Forum members would agree which projects to take forward.
Following that meeting, the names of all Forum members, together with the agreed terms of reference for the Forum and a list of the projects that the Forum will take forward, would be published.