Independent report

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK: Triennial review

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom: Triennial review.



The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) is an executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) sponsored by the Department for International Development (DFID). It is Government policy that a NDPB should remain in existence only where it can be clearly evidenced as the most appropriate and cost effective way of delivering the function in question. NDPBs are therefore subject to review every 3 years. These Triennial Reviews should be proportionate in relation to the NDPB in question; not overly bureaucratic, and conducted in a way that represents value for money; completed in a timely fashion to minimise disruption and uncertainty; and robust, rigorous, inclusive and transparent.

Triennial Reviews have 2 stages.

  • involves examination of the key functions of the NDPB; assessment of how they contribute to the core business of the NDPB and the sponsor Department; and consideration as to whether they are still needed. If that remains the case, the review goes on to consider how the functions might best be delivered by examining a range of options

Where stage 1 concludes that the NDPB in question should remain,

  • examines its control and governance arrangements to ensure that it is operating in line with recognised principles of good corporate governance

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Published 14 October 2013

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