Corporate report

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK: travel policy

Commission policy on commissioner and secretariat travel abroad, domestic air travel, rail and car journeys.

This was published under the 1997 to 2007 Blair Labour government




The policy proposes that:

  • the CSC approach, taken overall, should not be more generous that either the general approach taken by DFID or the Marshall Commission (being the other NDPB concerned with award of scholarships)
  • that account should be taken of the length of journey, and likelihood that work will be required
  • that members and members of the secretariat be expected to take advantage of all discounts and special offers that can reasonably be expected to be available
  • that a case exists for distinguishing between members of the Commission – who undertake their work largely on a pro bono basis, and members of the secretariat
  • that amounts claimed in no case should exceed actual expenditure

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Published 1 October 2006

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