
Category A project under consideration: Expansion and upgrade of Pemba Airport

Published 10 May 2023

1. Name of project

Expansion and upgrade of Pemba Airport

2. Description of project

The Project is to expand and upgrade an existing airport (Pemba Airport) approximately 3km to the Southeast of the city of Chake Chake, on Pemba Island in the Zanzibar Archipelago, Tanzania.

The scope of works relates to the expansion and widening of the runway, taxiway loops, an expanded apron, terminal facilities, new access roads and general utilities.

Land take will be required for the expanded airport boundary.

The Project aims to improve mobility and connectivity to-and-from the island, stimulating employment (construction and operations), boosting tourism potential, facilitating exports and drive economic development.

3. Location of project

Pemba Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

4. Source of environmental information

An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment has been developed for the Project, which can be accessed at the following weblink:

Additional environmental and social impact information for the Project can be requested via the listed contact.

4.1 Contact:

Name: Alberto Ruiz-Larrea

Phone: + 34 650 557 595
