FOI release

Cases where candidates have driven from a driving test centre after failing their car practical driving test

Published 15 May 2014

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is Freedom of Information request ia0057413.


Please provide a copy of the following dataset the Drive Offs. I understand this is information about cases where a candidate has driven away from the test centre following a test fail including name, addresses, vehicle details, driver numbers. Here is a link to the dataset. Please only provide anonymised information, not personal information. Please include the location of the test centre. Please send me this information in csv format or other machine readable format.


Attached at Annexes A is an anonomised copy of our ‘drive off’ spreadsheet in .csv format. To anonomise this data we have not released details of the candidate driver number or vehicle registration mark.

The spreadsheet includes details of when the ‘drive off’ was notified by our Fraud and Integrity team to DVLA for them to arrange for the details to be added to the police automatic number plate recognition (ANPR). Between 2009 and 2011 we also notified DVLA when a candidate recorded as a ‘drive off’ passed their practical test so their details could be removed from ANPR.

DSA ceased sending a centrally generated notification of ‘drive offs’ and candidates who subsequently passed to DVLA in July 2011. Please note that whilst the data provided at Annex B indicates a number of ‘drive offs’ a large number of these candidates will have now passed their driving tests. Since July 2011, examiners are encouraged to report any drive offs direct to their local police force to speed up the process and these may have resulted in the drop of incidents being report to our Fraud and Integrity team.