FOI release

Car driving tests conducted 2010 to 2012 including Scotland and reasons for serious and dangerous faults 2012

Published 19 May 2014

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is a freedom of infomation request ia0013013.

1. Request

The number of driving tests performed by the DSA FOR 2010, 2011 and 2012, broken down by gender (for the UK).

2. Response

We publish the number of car practical driving tests that have been conducted and passed by test centre in Great Britain; broken down by gender on our website car practical tests.

This information is exempt from release under section 21 (information accessible by other means) of the FoIA and a copy of this exemption is attached at Annex A.

3. Request

The reasons for Serious and dangerous car faults e.g. left reverse control, broken down by gender for 2012 (for the UK)

4. Response

Please find at Annex B a table which shows the number of serious and dangerous faults incurred on car practical driving tests in 2012 in Great Britain, broken down by the reason they were given and gender.

5. Request

All of the above for Scotland only. For car test by financial year.

6. Response

Please find at Annex C a table which shows the number of serious and dangerous faults incurred on car practical driving tests in 2012 in Scotland, broken down by the reason they were given and gender.