Impact assessment

Capital Allowances - Structures and Buildings Allowance: initial equality impact assessment

Published 4 November 2019

Project objectives

As part of a drive to increase business investment and support growth, a new capital allowance has been introduced by the government for individuals and corporate bodies who incur expenditure on new buildings and structures.

The new allowance was announced at the Autumn Budget 2018 and came into effect on 29 October 2018.

This allowance will be claimed as a deduction as part of a customer’s main tax return (Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) and Corporation Tax (CT)). Therefore, we would expect the customer to be able to claim the allowance when completing their return online.

The allowance will be claimed as part of the customer’s current annual process and, therefore, should not create any additional users.

We want customers to be able to claim the allowance both digitally and, where applicable, in paper format - therefore, HMRC is introducing additional boxes on all relevant tax returns to capture the allowance.

This will allow HMRC operators to be able to identify when this allowance has been claimed to analyse its impact and identify any non-compliance.

All relevant HMRC systems will also be enhanced to allow HMRC operators to process forms and carry out business as usual (BAU) activities.

HMRC forms, guidance, notes and helpsheets will need to be updated to ensure that the allowance is being claimed correctly.

Customer groups affected

The customer groups that will be impacted by the change are:

  • limited companies
  • self-employed individuals
  • tax agents
  • IT/software developers

What customers will need to do

As a result of this change, customers will need to:

  • enter amount of the allowance in the relevant box on their tax returns
  • maintain relevant documentation to allow them to make a valid Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA) claim
  • access the service online (third party software/HMRC online portal) or where applicable, paper returns
  • do this from April 2020 onwards

Assessing the impact

We assessed the equality impacts on all the protected characteristic groups in line with the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty and section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.

Racial groups

Impact on customers

The Capital Allowance - SBA population will be made up of diverse racial groups - there is no evidence to suggest any specific impacts on customers in this protected characteristic group.

Disabled and not disabled

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.


Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Gender reassignment

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Sexual orientation

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.


Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Religion or belief

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Pregnancy and maternity

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Marriage and civil partnership

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

People with dependents and those without

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

Political opinion (for Northern Ireland only)

Impact on customers

No evidence, as above.

People who use different languages (Including Welsh language and British Sign Language)

Impact on customers

Yes - the project will consider the Welsh language at every stage of release. All guidance and communications to do with the changes will be available on GOV.UK in Welsh as per the existing Welsh language standards.

Employer Bulletins are to be translated into Welsh and include the information and messages for this project.

Online services and guidance are available in Welsh language. For those customers whose first language is not English, alternative arrangements can be made for friends and family to interpret or speak on their behalf when dealing with HMRC.

HMRC is working with groups such as RAD (Royal Association for Deaf people) to co-develop support material for people who do not use English as a first language (eg British Sign Language) to explain how to communicate with HMRC using digital services.

Opportunities to promote equalities

We have considered opportunities to promote equalities and good relations between people in each of the equality groups, but none have been identified within the scope of this project.