Called-in decision: former Parkside Colliery east of A49, Winwick Road, Newton-le-Willows (ref: 3253194 - 11 November 2021)
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a called-in decision.
Applies to England
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for planning permission for:
- the construction of up to 92,900m2 (square metres) of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary B1 (a)) and associated servicing and infrastructure including car parking
- vehicle and pedestrian circulation space
- alteration of existing access road including works to existing A49 Junction
- noise mitigation
- earthworks to create development platforms and bunds
- landscaping including buffers
- works to existing spoil heap
- creation of drainage features
- substations and ecological works
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Published 11 November 2021