
Draft revised Terms of Reference

Published 6 August 2018

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Board is to provide oversight and strong collective leadership on delivery of the government’s Female Offender Strategy (2018).

It will do this by:

  • monitoring progress of implementation of the strategy, and holding government departments to account for delivery of commitments, through constructive challenge and advice;
  • using members’ individual expertise and links to provide leadership, guidance and support to local areas, including local government, criminal justice agencies, Police & Crime Commissioners, health services, and the voluntary and community sector, on improving outcomes for female offenders and women at risk of offending through partnership working;
  • advising on the development of a National Concordat on Female Offenders, and supporting its implementation in local areas;
  • providing a forum for sharing expertise and knowledge from within and outside government, including taking account of service users’ views, to inform implementation of the female offender strategy and future policy development;
  • promoting a problem solving approach to female offenders and those at risk of entering the justice system;
  • considering and advising the minister on specific questions, as requested, or on issues identified by Board members;
  • building effective links with relevant government programmes and boards, including Domestic Abuse, Liaison and Diversion, Troubled Families, Integrated Offender Management, the Whitehall Vulnerable Persons Directors Group, the Cross-Departmental Complex Needs Group and the Reducing Reoffending Group
  • identifying and promulgating good practice.

All decisions affecting policy, budget setting, management or related resourcing decisions, remain the responsibility of the relevant Minister. Where the Minister does not accept a recommendation of the Board, members will receive feedback on the decision.

The Board shall, with the agreement of the Minister, call on agencies to take additional steps to improve the treatment of female offenders, as it sees fit.

Board members have a responsibility to encourage their department or agency to engage with the work and aims of the Board, and to work in partnership, as necessary.

Agendas will be drawn up jointly between the secretariat and Board members, and should aim to include both officials’ and members’ papers, addressing issues of interest and concern.

All Board meetings and correspondence shall be conducted under Chatham House rules, and discussions shall be treated as confidential. Board papers and related correspondence are for the use of members only.

2. Administration

The Board will meet 4 times each year. Secretariat support will be provided by the Ministry of Justice Female Offender Policy team.