
Bologney River, Iken, Suffolk: proposal for designation change

Published 13 July 2015

This notice was withdrawn on

Your feedback is being analysed.

The Environment Agency consulted on this proposal for change between 13 July 2015 and 16 August 2015.

The Environment Agency proposes to reduce the length of Bologney Watercourse at Iken, Suffolk that is designated as a ‘main river’.

It proposes to make this change as a ‘determination’ under section 193C(1) of the Water Resources Act 1991. A determination is a formal decision to change the main river map.

The proposed determination is that the Bologney Watercourse between national grid reference (NGR) TM 40361 53202 and NGR TM 43230 56896, which is shown as a ‘deletion’ on the main river consultation map, is no longer to be treated as part of a main river.

Bologney River presents a low likelihood of flooding to people and property. Minimal maintenance works are carried out by the Environment Agency and following discussions with the Water Level Management Partnership of Internal Drainage Boards, it is proposed that this watercourse will be managed in future by the Internal Drainage Board as the appropriate operating authority.

The change would mean that the Internal Drainage Board would have the power to carry out work to manage flood risk from the watercourse. The Environment Agency would no longer have this power.

The change would also affect how the watercourse is regulated. If you wanted to carry out works in or next to the watercourse, you might have to get consent from the Internal Drainage Board.

1. How to view the proposed changes

You can see the proposals on the main river consultation map.

The proposed change is shown as a ‘deletion’ - a red line - on the map.

Or you can see the main river consultation map at:

Iceni House
Cobham Road

2. Your chance to comment

If you have any comments or queries about this proposal you can email or write to:

The PSO team
Environment Agency
Iceni House
Cobham Road

Please quote reference number ESNFSF_00035 when you contact the Environment Agency.

Send your comments to the Environment Agency by 15 August 2015.