Transparency data

Board meeting minutes 23 May 2019 - The Planning Inspectorate

Updated 17 April 2024

Applies to England

Minutes FINAL (25 July 2019)

Title of meeting Planning Inspectorate Board Meeting
Date 23 May 2019
Venue Conference room 3, Temple Quay House, Bristol
Chair Trudi Elliott (TE)
David Holt (DH) Non-Executive Director
Susan Johnson (SJ) Non-Executive Director
Jayne Erskine (JE) Non-Executive Director
Navees Rahman (NR) Director of Corporate Services
Graham Stallwood (GS) Director of Operations
Simon Gallagher (SG) Director of Planning, MHCLG
Neil Hemington (NH) Chief Planner, Welsh Government
In attendance Planning Inspectorate Board Meeting
Natasha Perrett (NP) Board Secretary
Caroline Bee (CB) Head of Finance, Commercial and Performance (item 5)
Duane Oakes (DO) Senior Performance Manager (item 5)
Sean Canavan (SC) Performance Recovery Workstream Lead (item 6)
Rebecca Phillips (RP) Group Manager (item 9)
Katie Hartwright (KH) Head of HR (item 11)

Part One: Schedule of Actions – 25 January 2018

Action: 15. Circulate draft targets submission to Board members for comment.

Owner: Sarah Richards

Para: 6.8

Timeframe: On hold pending SR19 submission

Part One: Schedule of Actions – 29 November 2018

Action: 2. Hold a session on risk matters with SLTs in quarter one next year.

Owner: David Holt & Navees Rahman

Para: 3.12

Timeframe: Looking for alternative dates

Part One: Schedule of Actions – 31 January 2019

Action: 5. Recommendations 1 and 2 – JEs to review with ET and agree timescale to review the Governance Structure. Considering the new Director roles and mapping across to the sub-committee and aligning with the ET structure and running order of meetings to suit business needs.

Owner: Jo Esson

Para: 8.1

Timeframe: On hold – pending appointment of new NEDs.

Action: 6. Recommendations 3-14 - deliver these recommendations from the review.

Owner: Jo Esson/Natasha Perrett

Para: 8.1

Timeframe: In progress

Action: 7. Look at the induction process for the new NEDs and to make sure it is less staff intensive and to include Board engagement sessions with full establishment of ET and full establishment of NEDs. If necessary, plan in two phases to allow for appointments to be made.

Owner: Navees Rahman & Chris Thorby (was Jo Esson)

Para: 8.1

Timeframe: In progress, NR and CT taking forward.

Part One: Schedule of Actions – 21 March 2019

Action: 1. Consider and agree with Executive Team (ET) if political sensitivity issues should be including on the SRR.

Owner: Tony Thickett/Chris Thorby

Para: 2.1

Timeframe: Awaiting update

Action: 3. Benchmark AWDL data across other organisations in the Civil Service.

Owner: Navees Rahman/Katie Hartwright

Para: 4.2

Timeframe: Action on hold - Action to progress once OD phase 2 is in place and HR resource becomes available.

Action: 5. Send Performance Recovery updates to the Board on the months when the Board does not meet.

Owner: Sean Canavan/Tim Guy

Para: 5.7

Timeframe: PROB reports to be circulated to the Board on a monthly basis.

Action: 6. Produce a performance recovery communication for the NEDs to share with customers when necessary.

Owner: Sean Canavan/Tim Guy

Para: 5.7

Timeframe: In progress – will be circulated by NP to the Board.

Part One: Schedule of Actions – 23 May 2019

Action: 1. Follow up action 1 of the March minutes with CT.

Owner: Natasha Perrett

Para: 2.1

Timeframe: Awaiting update

Action: 2. Discuss with TT and KH the impact on future recruitment and how we recruit for specific vacancies in Wales.

Owner: Navees Rahman

Para: 4.6

Timeframe: In Progress

Action: 3. Come back to the July Board:

  • Consider how to deliver information and red flags to the Board
  • Consider how the data should be used by the NEDs when discussing and making decisions about performance improvement.
  • Demonstrate the table containing all casework targets and performance.
  • Add inputs and outputs to give the Board visibility of the trend of the backlog
  • Income needs to be in tabular format.
  • People measure – to be incorporated from the People Strategy.
  • Customer measures – to be incorporated.
  • User friendly commentaries.
  • Include a list of information and when the Board can expect it to be included.

Owner: Navees Rahman/Duane Oakes

Para: 5.2, 5.5, 5.7

Timeframe: In Progress

Action: 4. Provide for feedback on the commentaries included in the dashboard.

Owner: Board

Para: 5.6

Timeframe: By July Board

Action: 5. Discuss funding and underspends, not recruiting enough Inspectors and performance recovery at the July Board.

Owner: Navees Rahman/Caroline Bee

Para: 6.4

Timeframe: July Board

Action: 6. Provide an update on the impact of the Inquiries Review at the July Board.

Owner: Sean Canavan

Para: 6.6

Timeframe: July Board

Action: 7. Bring a report to the July Board on how the reading issue will be addressed, this should include clear accountability for reading performance and include ET’s review of the Performance Recovery Board and looking at the recommendations and escalations need to ET for management.

Owner: Graham Stallwood

Para: 6.7

Timeframe: July Board

Action: 8. Draft a blog and include the video link to his attendance at the Public Accounts Committee.

Owner: Simon Gallagher

Para: 6.9

Timeframe: Completed

1.0 Welcome and Declaration of Interests

1.1 The Chair welcomed the Board, apologies were received from SR and CT.

1.2 The Chair called for Declarations of Interest, of which there were none.

2.0 Minutes of March Board meeting (part one)

Actions 2.1 NP to follow up action 1 of the March minutes with CT.

Minutes 2.3 No further comments were received on the March minutes.


2a) NP to follow up action 1 of the March minutes with CT.

2b) The part one March minutes are an accurate record of the meeting.

3.0 Committee updates

3a) People Committee – meeting of 25 April

3.1 At the April meeting, the People Committee reviewed:

  • People Strategy and delivery plan and discussed linking performance and engagement to the values of the organisation and success measures.
  • Diversity and Inclusion - focus the priority activities including, support for networks, protected characteristics and updating diversity information.
  • Organisation Design (OD) phase 2 – update on appointments.
  • Gender Pay Gap (GPG) and Pay Remit – Work is underway to look at pay ranges and looking at market rates.
  • Year-end discussion on Executive Team performance.

3.2 As part of OD phase 2, NR explained resource is being built into the HR structure to provide support to the diversity network.

3.3 On GPG, DH suggested we monitor progress throughout the year to understand the actions taken and if they have worked.

3.4 SJ suggested looking at the Commission’s GPG report and action plans for good practice.

3b) Customer, Quality and Professional Standards Committee (CQPSC)

3.2 At the May meeting CQPSC reviewed:

  • PSG update – Brexit preparation and framework, the Committee took assurance about the items considered and readiness.
  • Increase in challenges being received – there is concern for the Health and wellbeing of staff. Whilst there is a drive for transparency, consideration of the health and wellbeing and personal safety of staff is also taking place. The Committee has asked SR is consider how we draft a policy statement to strike the right balance on safety and transparency.
  • Committee Dashboard – performance improvement on s78 written representation cases was noted. Focus continues on event to decision performance improvement.
  • Digital strategy – encouraged by the progress on the digital strategy and huge achievements, digitally equipping the organisation and driving education and awareness.

Agreed: 3a) To note the updates for the Committee Chairs.

4.0 Planning Inspectorate Wales – update

4.1 NH, SR and NR having been discussing the move to an independent Planning Inspectorate Wales, this also includes process. NH will be the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the project. A project initiation document is being drafted at the moment, NR is assisting.

4.2 Conversations on a 1-1 basis are taking place with the team in Wales, these are being led by Tony Thickett, Head of Wales.

4.3 The project will look at casework support requirements, this needs to be at the right level to continue performance, finance and HR requirements are a little more straightforward.

4.4 DH said we need to make sure we are flagging the areas of importance to Wales, this should include training and professional standards, consider how these are maintained. Reputational risk also needs to be a key part of the project. NH clarified reputational risk will rest with Welsh Ministers.

4.5 As the Planning Inspectorate (England) is managing three large projects, Performance Recovery, Transformation and the Inquiries Review, we now have a fourth project – Planning Inspectorate Wales. SG asked the Board to seek assurance on the change load on the Inspectorate and customers.

4.6 The Board discussed the impact on future recruitment, geographical locations and how we recruit for specific vacancies in Wales. Depending on the scale of Planning Inspectorate Wales, Planning Inspectorate England could be more attractive. NR agreed to discuss with TT and KH. NH explained Wales Inspectors are not picking up as much England casework. It was agreed this needs to be logged carefully and we need to make sure candidates are aware.

4.7 The principles of the project include the customer, change load, value for money and timelines. We need to consider the commercial services that we may need to supply at a cost to Wales.

Agreed: 4a) NR to discuss with TT and KH the impact on future recruitment and how we recruit for specific vacancies in Wales.

5.0 Monitoring performance

5.1 The Board received a demonstration of the new interactive MiPINS system from Duane Oakes (DO). The new

5.2 TE asked NR to consider how to deliver information and red flags to the Board and to consider how the data should be used by the NEDs when discussing and making decisions about performance improvement. NR agreed and said we need to look at what Executive Team and how to escalate this information to the Board.

5.3 DO confirmed data integrity testing has been essential part of the project. The system can be used to produce earth quake graphs.

5.4 Managers are able to build their own view of the data and can now gather more information about casework performance and resources. DH said we need get the governance right to make sure people are looking at the same info. DO confirmed whist managers can build their own view, they are provided with generic data.

5.5 A table to allow comparison of targets and performance is available for all casework. Do to come back to the July Board to demonstrate this.

5.6 DO asked the Board for:

  • feedback on the commentaries included. A link to the MiPINS system will circulated after the Board.

5.7 The Board asked for the following amendments/ additions to the data:

  • Add inputs and outputs to give the Board visibility of the trend of the backlog
  • Income needs to be in tabular format.
  • People measure – to be incorporated from the People Strategy.
  • Customer measures – to be incorporated.
  • User friendly commentaries.
  • A list of information and when the Board can expect it to be included.

5.8 DO explained customers will be able to see data, but this is the last part of the project whilst we look at the best way to give our customer access to performance data.

5.9 TE suggested DO and team look at the ONS work on sustainable development goals, and how these are presented on the portal which provides a list of the targets, a summary, what is measured and interactive an map. The system used is extracting data from different organisations and is providing data to the public.


5a) NR to consider how to deliver information and red flags to the Board and to consider how the data should be used by the NEDs when discussing and making decisions about performance improvement.

5b) DO to come back to the July Board to demonstrate the table containing all casework targets and performance.

5c) Board to provide for feedback on the commentaries included in the dashboard.

5d) DO – The Board asked for the following amendments/ additions to the data:

  • Add inputs and outputs to give the Board visibility of the trend of the backlog
  • Income needs to be in tabular format.
  • People measure – to be incorporated from the People Strategy.
  • Customer measures – to be incorporated.
  • User friendly commentaries.
  • A list of information and when the Board can expect it to be included.

6.0 Performance Recovery update

6.1 The Board discussed how much resource is needed to improve event to decision performance, including adding more resource to reading of decisions.

6.2 DH asked if the final funding balance had been signed off. NR confirmed we have not received the final delegation letter, this is the position for more organisations, not just the Inspectorate. NR said we need to understand the funding impact on our plans and SG agreed we need clarity on how much is really needed.

6.3 NR explained a sum will be released by MHCLG, and we are working with the department to demonstrate how we will spend the money and how we might fund any potential gaps. The finance team are currently reforecasting.

6.4 The Board agreed to discuss funding and underspends, not recruitment enough Inspectors and performance recovery at the July Board. The Board need to understand the limiting factors.

6.5 SC explained we are making sure the right band and numbers of Inspectors are going to the right areas. Intervention is happening to improve performance.

6.6 TE asked when we will know more about the impact of the Inquiries review, SC confirmed we will know more in July. It was agreed an updated should come back to the July Board. SC explained this will be forecast information rather than actual.

6.7 The number of decisions to be quality assured has risen, GS asked what are the confidence levels that the interventions will make a difference. TE asked for a report to come back to the Board on how the issue will be addressed, this should include clear accountability for reading performance. NR explained ET will be taking a review of the Performance Recovery Board and looking at the recommendations and escalations need to ET for management. GS to bring back to the Board in July.

6.8 SG expressed concern around the medians in the charts and how we can bring the performance into a reasonable range. SG asked when does the customer start to experience a better story? We need to add the data into the customer journey, so we know what it is like for our customers. TE agreed, we need a narrative for the customer to show how we are progressing.

6.9 SG agreed to draft a blog and include the video link to his attendance at the Public Accounts Committee.


6a) NR/ CB to discuss funding and underspends, not recruitment enough Inspectors and performance recovery at the July Board.

6b) SC to provide an update on the impact of the Inquiries Review at the July Board.

6c) GS to bring a report to the July Board on how the reading issue will be addressed, this should include clear accountability for reading performance and include ET’s review of the Performance Recovery Board and looking at the recommendations and escalations need to ET for management.

6d) SG to draft a blog and include the video link to his attendance at the Public Accounts Committee.

7.0 Brexit Planning update

7.1 NR a plan is in place. Since the extension to Brexit the working group has not met, but will meet in the next few weeks to review plans.

Agreed: 7a) The Brexit update.

8. Forward planner

8.1 The Board agreed:

  • 2019/20 – Budgets – including reflections on 2018-19
  • Inquiries Review update
  • Review of Reading

8.2 People Committee in June would be cancelled to allow for a session with the newly formed Senior Leaders Group (SLG).

8.3 Customer, Quality and Professional Standards Committee in July will be cancelled and replaced with an induction workshop for the newly appointed Non-Executive Directors.

8.4 The forward planners for People Committee and CQPSC will be reviewed, discussed with TE and where necessary transferred to the July Board agenda.

Agreed: 8a) The amendments to Committee forward planners.

Next meeting: 25 July 2019, 13.00pm – 16.00pm, Conference Room 3, Temple Quay House, Bristol