FOI release

Assaults on driving examiners: 2011 to 2012

Published 2 August 2013

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is Freedom of Information request IA/00229/13.

I was sent some info yesterday under Freedom of Information about attacks on driving examiners in Scotland. Your ref was IA/00181/13.

1. Request 1

I need some more info about the data supplied. For instance in 2011/12 there were two physical assaults on examiners. Did these assaults result in court action and if so what was the outcome? How badly injured was the examiner? There was also an assault in 2010/11, did this result in court action and what was the outcome.

2. Response

We do not hold any information about court action. Our records show that ‘no injury’ was recorded for the assault in the financial year 2010/11 and both assaults in the financial year 2011/12.

3. Request 2

There were a total of 33 examiners injured during period 2008-2013. Do you have any information on what caused then to be injured was it a crash, avoiding movement etc.

4. Response

The table below shows how many of the examiners required medical treatment (a doctor or hospital), how many required first aid and the causes of those incidents. Please note that this does not include incidents where the examiner treated themselves or where no treatment was necessary. This information is broken down by financial year.

Year Medical treatment (Doctor or Hospital) First aid Causes of incidents
2008/09 8 1 6 vehicle collisions, 2 Road related incidents/not collision and 1 marked as other.
2009/10 7 1 5 vehicle collisions, 2 Road related incidents/not collision and 1 incorrect use of equipment.
2010/11 4 1 2 vehicle to vehicle collisions, 1 vehicle to other collision and 2 marked as other.
2011/12 5 0 3 vehicle collisions, 1 emergency stop incident and 1 slip, trip or fall.
2012/13 7 0 4 vehicle collisions, 1 vehicle to other collision, 1 furniture collision and 1 faulty door.

5. Request 3

Also do you have any figures for the number of candidates injured during the five year period 2008-2013?

6. Response

The table below shows the number of candidates that were injured during practical driving tests in Scotland between the financial years 20008/09 and 2012/13. This information is broken down by financial year and whether they required medical treatment, first aid or self/no treatment.

Year No. of incidents Medical treatment (Doctor or Hospital) First aid Self/no treatment
2008/09 1 0 0 1
2009/10 13 4 0 9
2010/11 8 4 0 4
2011/12 7 4 1 2
2012/13 10 7 1 2