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Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies (AWERB) subgroup: terms of reference

Updated 1 November 2022

1.0 Purpose

1.1 The ASC Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies (AWERBs) Subgroup is established as a standing Subgroup of the ASC. Its purpose is to maintain communication with AWERBs on the ASC’s behalf and report to the ASC on matters relating to AWERBs and their functions as defined by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (as amended) (A(SP)A).

2.0 Governance

2.1 The AWERB Subgroup, as a standing Subgroup of the ASC, is defined under the A(SP)A and will function as a permanent Subgroup of the ASC.

2.2 Recommendations, advice and actions shall be the responsibility of the AWERB Subgroup members. These members will either physically be present at the meetings or will participate by teleconference. On occasion, where members are not in attendance and subsequently disagree with a decision, this will be recorded in a note attached to the meeting minutes.

2.3 Other than in exceptional circumstances, the work of the AWERB Subgroup shall be passed to the full ASC for review and ratification. On any occasion where recommendations are not reviewed, or ratified by the full committee, this should be made clear in such reports or recommendations.

2.4 The Subgroup will report its progress as a standing agenda item to the full ASC meeting, and seek the ASC’s agreement of its work plan, key decisions and recommendations.

3.0 Background

3.1 The Subgroup will lead in the fulfilment of the ASC’s functions regarding AWERBs as set out under s20 of the A(SP)A, in that:

The Committee must provide advice to the Secretary of State and the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies on such matters relating to the acquisition, breeding, accommodation, care and use of protected animals as the Committee may determine or as may be referred to the Committee by the Secretary of State.

The Subgroup will also lead in the delivery of the ASC’s responsibility to:

…take such steps as it considers appropriate to ensure the sharing of best practice in relation to the acquisition, breeding, accommodation, care and use of protected animals

in so far as this concerns communication with the AWERBs.

3.2 The functions of the Subgroup will be developed to take into account initiatives by other bodies in relation to the operation of the AWERBs, in order to ensure that its activities complement and do not duplicate these.

4.0 Membership

4.1 The Chair and members of the Subgroup will be agreed by the ASC. The membership should be selected so as to present a diverse range of skills and views.

4.2 Membership shall comprise of members of the ASC; however, the Subgroup may co-opt individuals outside of the ASC – for a time and/or task limited period – where additional skills, knowledge or expertise is required.

4.2.1 Co-opted members must be agreed by the group and ratified by the ASC. Co-opted members must at all times adhere to the values and standards which apply to full ASC members and comply with rules on recording interests.

4.3 Subgroup membership (as of April 2022):

  • Dr Sally Robinson (Chair)
  • Dr Donald Bruce
  • Wendy Jarrett
  • Prof Clare Stanford
  • Ms Linda Horan (Co-optee)

5.0 Expected deliverables

5.1 The Subgroup shall produce a workplan that pro-actively promotes the established AWERB Regional Hub Network and maintains the key mechanisms for communications, comprising of, but not limited to, the Hub Chair Support Note, the AWERB Knowledge Hub, the AWERB Newsletter and annual Hub Chair workshops:

5.1.1 Invite AWERB Hub Chairs to attend workshops as a means of continued sharing best practice and to discuss topics of interest.

5.1.2 To write to all AWERB chairs inviting them to identify potential theme(s) and topics for national AWERB workshop(s), to include expected outputs, resources required and speakers.

5.1.3 To continue to maintain the network/forum of AWERB chairs through the publication of a newsletter (at least twice yearly) informing the chairs of:

i. The ongoing activities of the ASC as pertinent to the AWERB Chair Network including any publications from the ASC.

ii. Information relating to any relevant internal or external events, which may be of interest to the AWERB Chair Network

iii. A relevant list of links to stakeholders, organisations and advice which can assist with the functioning of AWERBs.

5.1.4 Through the AWERB Network, provisioning AWERBs with the materials they require to fulfil their role, including but not limited to:

i. Updating the AWERB Support note to reflect relevant feedback from the Roadshows and Hub Chair meetings.

ii. Developing practical guidelines for AWERBs to improve the quality of Non-Technical Summaries.

iii. Identifying and consolidating recommendations from the Harm-Benefit Analysis, which are relevant to AWERBs, to develop practical tips for AWERBs to help with harm-benefit assessment.

iv. Encourage the use of Non-animal alternatives by utilising the Regional Hub Network to disseminate current and new information.

5.2 In producing a plan of work required to accomplish these tasks, consideration should also be set out as to suitable indicators of successful progress, appropriate methods of delivery and the monitoring of long-term benefits

6.0 Meetings and working methods

6.1 In the event that the AWERB Subgroup Chair is unable to chair a particular meeting or teleconference, it may be chaired by the Deputy Chair or other representative nominated by the Chair.

6.2 Reports and recommendations made by the AWERB will be reviewed by group members and ratified by the Chair. Reports and recommendations will be shared with the ASC, via the secretariat, and signed-off at a full ASC meeting.

6.3 The AWERB Subgroup will meet via teleconferences and in face-to-face meetings, as appropriate. Draft papers will be circulated via email for editing.

6.4 The AWERB Subgroup’s work plan will be established and reviewed annually at the ASC Strategic Planning Meeting

7.0 Duration

7.1 This is a standing Subgroup of the ASC, as such it is no fixed duration.

8.0 Confidentiality

8.1 AWERB Subgroup members and co-optees will not misuse information gained in the course of their public service for personal gain or for political purpose, nor must they disclose any information which is confidential in nature or which is provided in confidence without authority. This duty continues to apply after any member, or co-optee, has left the Subgroup or ASC.

8.2 For Subgroups meetings, confidentiality status of papers/discussions is clearly marked:

  • papers marked ‘OPEN’ can be discussed freely
  • papers marked ‘CLOSED’ should be treated as confidential and not discussed outside of the Subgroup or ASC

8.3 Meeting papers marked as ‘confidential’ can be returned to the secretariat to be disposed of securely.

9.0 Secretariat

9.1 The secretariat will coordinate members’ availability, arrange meetings, and prepare meeting agendas/papers as required.

9.2 The secretariat will draft meeting minutes which will be reviewed by the AWERB Subgroup and ratified by members and the Chair.

Date: 1 January 2021