FOI release

18698 Temporary Promotion Policy

We have a received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:  Under Freedom of Information (FOI) I am requesting…


We have a received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following: 

Under Freedom of Information (FOI) I am requesting a copy of your organisational policy, in relation to temporary / merit promotion of officers in your department.

Specifically the information which I seek is in relation to the scenario of an officer who has been on temporary promotion over a significant period of time, such as 2 years plus.

Can you confirm if your department has; (i) the flexibility to merit promote the individual into post, as they have been in the role for a period of 2 years plus, and have demonstrated, through the Staff Appraisal process, that they are both competent and capable of performing at that grade on a substantive
basis or (ii) is there a Civil Service wide policy where the individual can be promoted on a substantive basis on the grounds that they have worked at that grade for over a period of 2 years or more and therefore have “accrued

If there is a Civil Service wide policy regard the second point (above) I would also be grateful for its provision in your reply.

The following information was released on 7th June 2011.

This document is available as hard-copy only.  Please phone the Information Services Centre on 020 7035 1029 quoting reference number 18698.

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Published 15 July 2011

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