Shevaun Haviland


Shevaun Haviland joined the Civil Service in 2016 as the Deputy Director of Business Partnerships at the Cabinet Office. From 2017, Shevaun also became the head of Business Relations at Number 10, Downing Street alongside her Cabinet Office position.

In these roles she has responsibility for:

  • delivering business expertise into government
  • creating partnerships between businesses and the government to help deliver policy innovation
  • helping businesses navigate government and connect to the relevant Whitehall teams

As Deputy Director of Business Partnerships, Shevaun has been a driving force for the Inclusive Economy Partnership. This initiative aims to build a stronger economy and fairer society through partnerships between government, businesses and civil society.

Prior to joining central government, Shevaun has been at the forefront of digital innovation through her work as the Founding Director of the Academy of Digital Business Leaders and as a Director at Independents United.

She has also worked for a wide range of other private sector firms. These include the agency group WPP, the Walt Disney Company and Datamonitor based in London, Paris and New York.

Outside of Government, Shevaun sits on the UK National Advisory Board on Impact Investing and supports The Danson Foundation. She has also shown her commitment to social enterprise as an ‘angel investor’.

Shevaun read PPE at the University of Oxford and has been awarded the ‘Freedom of the City of London’. Outside of work, she is currently training to achieve a pilot’s licence.

Follow: @Shevaun

Business Partnership Team