Melinda Simmons DCMG


Melinda Simmons was His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine until August 2023. She was first appointed to this role in September 2019.

Curriculum vitae

Dates Role
2018 to 2019 Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), Full-time Language Training (Ukrainian)
2017 to 2018 National Security Secretariat, Director, National Security Secretariat Joint Funds Unit
2016 to 2017 National Security Secretariat, Head, Joint Programme Hub
2013 to 2016 FCO, Deputy Director, Conflict Department
2011 to 2013 Department for International Development (DFID), Deputy Director, Europe
2010 to 2011 DFID, Deputy Director, Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
2008 to 2009 DFID, Deputy Director, Middle East and North Africa
2005 to 2008 DFID, Head of DFID Southern Africa (Pretoria)
2003 to 2005 DFID, Head of Africa Team, Gleneagles G8 2005 Unit

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