Director for Government Relations and Trade

Larissa Bruscky


Larissa Bruscky is the current Director for Government Relations and Trade at the British Consulate in Recife, appointed in April 2024 by the British Ambassador in Brazil, Stephanie Al-Qaq. She had occupied the position on an interim basis since 2022. Previously, Larissa worked for two years at the British Department for Business and Trade, focusing on Energy, Infrastructure and Education.

Graduated in Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco and postgraduate in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), she joined the British mission in Brazil after a period of twelve years, working in the foreign trade field as product manager, responsible for planning and delivering international missions to China, product negotiations, prospecting suppliers, and business trend analysis.

Director for Government Relations and Trade

The Director for Government Relations and Trade is the senior UK official at the Recife Consulate, which is a subordinate office to the Embassy in Brazil, located in Brasília.