Corporate Services Lead

Clare Kirby


Clare joined the Adjudicator’s Office in April 2019 as a member of the Senior Leadership Team. In April 2023, Clare’s role expanded to incorporate the oversight and responsibility of the Adjudicator’s Office’s core corporate functions.

Prior to joining the Adjudicator’s Office she worked for the Valuation Office Agency leading their Complaints Investigation Teams for over six years. Having joined the Civil Service in September 2000, her passion for administrative justice began while working for the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman between 2008-2013.

Clare has a Masters Degree in Dispute Resolution and is an accredited Mediator. She has been a member of the Ombudsman Association since 2018 and co-leads the Cross Government Complaint Forum.

Corporate Services Lead

The Corporate Services Lead is responsible for overseeing the work of the Adjudicator’s Office core corporate functions.

The Adjudicator’s Office