Publication scheme

The publication scheme specifies the categories of information that Public Health England publishes and explains how to get that information.

This information page was withdrawn on

Public Health England was replaced by UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. Current corporate information can be found at these organisations.

We are committed to making transparency and accountability to the public a fundamental principle of how we do business.

The Freedom of Information Act encourages public authorities to make as much information as possible available to the public. We do this by publishing the data that people need to understand who we are, what we spend and what we achieve.

Under the Act, we are required to adopt a publication scheme which contains information we routinely make available, and ensure that information is published in accordance with the scheme. Available information is grouped under the following ‘classes of information’.

Who we are and what we do

  • organisational charts

What we spend and how we spend it

  • senior management gifts and appointments
  • senior management salaries
  • payroll costs and non-consolidated pay data
  • PHE’s spending

What our priorities are and how we are doing

  • annual report and accounts
  • business plan

How we make decisions

  • consultations

Our policies and procedures

  • PHE procedures
  • Civil Service conduct and guidance

Other classes

We also publish information on:

  • lists and registers
  • the services we offer

We generally won’t publish information that is:

  • protected from disclosure
  • in draft form
  • no longer readily available

While we don’t yet have a history of publishing data in many of these categories, our commitments are:

  • to make transparency a part of how we operate
  • to publish data by default wherever possible
  • to make datasets available for re-use, and in a re-usable format where reasonable and practical
  • to keep our data under review, so as to examine and improve the amount and frequency of data released into the public domain
  • to link all datasets released on

Please note that the re-use of information published on our website is subject to Crown copyright restrictions. Please see The National Archives website for more information on Crown copyright policy.

Requesting information, giving feedback and further information

We make a significant amount of information available under our scheme. One of its benefits is that it makes information easily accessible without charge. This means that, in many cases, the information you are looking for will already be available and there will be no need for you to make a formal request under the Act.

You can email a request including the words ‘publication scheme’ in the subject heading. There is no charge for information which is provided electronically.

If you ask for information available on our website to be provided in paper format it may be necessary to make a charge. Each case is considered separately. For example, if a large amount of photocopying is required, or if the cost of postage of a large volume of paperwork is very high.

Most of the information included in our scheme will be current. However, for certain classes of information, it may be necessary to publish the information retrospectively.

Information will not be available through the publication scheme indefinitely. We are committed to providing the public with as much information as is practically possible. It is important that the information we provide is relevant and up to date.

We welcome your feedback on our progress and your suggestions for data you would like us to make available. You can also comment on specific datasets on

The Freedom of Information Act encourages public authorities to make as much information as possible available to the public proactively.

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for the Freedom of information policy in the UK. Alternatively you can telephone the Ministry of Justice on 020 3334 3555.