About us

The Education Funding Agency was replaced by Education and Skills Funding Agency in April 2017.

We manage £54 billion of funding a year to support all state-provided education for 8 million children aged 3 to 16, and 1.6 million young people aged 16 to 19.

We also provide educational support to those with high need.

Who we are

We have over 730 staff based in London, Coventry, Sheffield, Darlington, Manchester, Nottingham and Bristol. We are helped by the EFA Advisory Group.


We are responsible for:

  • funding education for learners between the ages of 3 and 19, and those with learning difficulties and disabilities between the ages of 3 and 25
  • funding and monitoring academies, university technical colleges, studio schools, and free schools
  • building maintenance programmes for schools and sixth-form colleges
  • allocating funds to 152 local authorities for maintained schools, and 4,000 voluntary-aided schools


From 2013 to 2014, our priorities will be to:

  • increase the number of high quality schools, introduce fair funding, and reform the school curriculum
  • ensure that all academies and schools are following their funding agreements
  • support the introduction of traineeships, by making accurate and on-time allocations to local authorities and institutions by the end of March 2014
  • intervene quickly where institutions are failing
  • support local authorities with the new commissioning and funding system for high needs students
  • improve the condition of existing buildings
  • support the creation of new places for pupils and learners
  • carry out our IT investment plan, to reduce our operating costs and continuously improve our service

Find full details of our priorities and how we will achieve them in our business plan.

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