About us

The Government Property Profession is a network of over 2,000 members with responsibility for a range of property-related activities.

We use buildings every day of our lives. We live, work, learn and play in them. We deliver public services from them to the whole of society. Government property is integral to the UK’s infrastructure, the quality of our public services and a carbon neutral future.

Across central government, local authorities and wider public sector is a growing network of over 4000 property professionals who make up the Government Property Profession.

Property Professionals in government work in a huge variety of property related roles across the UK that enable the delivery of key Government priorities and offer some of the most exciting and unique property careers.

What does the Government Property Profession do?

The aim is simple: to make property better. We aim to improve capability and to allow government priorities in property to be delivered as effectively as possible.

In practical terms this may mean running the government estate in increasingly sustainable ways, building new public service infrastructure from prisons to schools, continuously improving the quality of the workplace, managing the whole life cycle of buildings in a more efficient way.

It means delivering more informed policy making, and better outcomes for the public in a whole range of areas where property impacts their lives.

Benefits of being a member of the Government Property Profession

Our aim is to provide a compelling offer for a career in government property, a skilled property workforce agile to future challenges, talent development that builds diversity at all levels and a strong property community that spans the public sector and the UK. Being part of the Government Property Profession offers networking opportunities, learning and development, exciting career pathways and a real sense of community. You can hear more from members of the profession in our Civil Service Blog.

Government Property Career Framework

The Government Property Profession is a network of people who work in property related roles. The variety and diversity of roles in property is vast and to support the development of property professionals in government we have designed a Career Framework which sets out the core roles in the profession, technical skills and career pathways for the future.

Visit the Government Property Profession portal

Members can also read more from senior leaders and colleagues across the profession on the GPP blog.

Email us at GPP@cabinetoffice.gov.uk

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts