Press release

YJB response to Parc YOI inspection report

The Youth Justice Board (YJB) responds to an HMI Prisons inspection of Parc under-18 young offender institution (YOI).

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Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

Lin Hinnigan, Chief Executive of the YJB, said:

We expect high standards of the services we commission at Parc. The YJB had already started to work with G4S to address our concerns around increased violence and the use of restraint, prior to inspection. This included a review of safeguarding arrangements and work to strengthen engagement with young people to ensure their voices are heard. Our staff have since attended all safeguarding meetings and the young person’s forum, and will be working with Parc to oversee improvements in these areas.

The chief inspector has verified our concerns, and we welcome that he confirms our judgement that safeguarding, reception and child protection arrangements at Parc YOI are reasonably good. While the inspectorate points out there is ‘much to commend’, this will not distract us from the need for ongoing improvement.

Notes to editors

You can read the report on the HMI Prisons website

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Published 8 June 2016