World news story

Working with France on its Defence White Paper

Sir Peter Ricketts comments on his role at the Commission overseeing the Livre Blanc process.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
British Ambassador to France Sir Peter Ricketts

British Ambassador to France Sir Peter Ricketts

We’ve just had the publication of the French White Paper on defence and security, the “Livre blanc”. It’s been a great privilege for me to be part of the commission that was put together to advise the Government on writing this White Paper.

I’ve spent the last six or nine months working every week with the heads of the armed forces, the intelligence services, the major Government departments, parliamentarians, think tankers on the issue of what are the right choices for France to make in defence and security.

Read the full post on Sir Peter Rickett’s blog

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Published 3 May 2013