News story

Welsh Secretary meets party leaders on devolution for Wales

First meeting to gain cross-party agreement on delivering devolution settlement that works for people of Wales chaired by Welsh Secretary.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Photograph taken at meeting

The Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb MP today (13 October 2014) met with Westminster leaders from the three main political parties in Wales – Mark Williams MP (Liberal Democrats), Rt Hon Elfyn Llwyd MP (Plaid Cymru) and Owen Smith MP (Labour) – to discuss how political differences could be put aside to best deliver for the people of Wales.

Secretary of State for Wales Stephen Crabb MP said:

Following the referendum, constitutional issues are now at the heart of the UK political debate and Wales is an important part of that.

People in Wales need to be confident that politicians are actually delivering on their promises and not just arguing amongst themselves.

The people of Wales want to see less party politics when it comes to devolution. They want us to crack on and settle some of the constitutional issues so we can move on to tackling the real issues that they care about: the economy, the health service and the performance of our education system. Those are the issues that really matter on the doorstep.

The meeting took place at Gwydyr House, Whitehall, London.

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Published 13 October 2014