Press release

Vehicles seized at road stops in Dartford and Gravesham

Multi-agency operation sees 36 vehicles stopped and waste collectors’ paperwork checked.

Image shows white pick up truck carrying waste being loaded onto a recovery vehicle to the left of the picture, while staff from the Environment Agency, National Enforcement Service and the police look on

One of 8 vehicles seized during the roadstop is loaded onto a recovery vehicle

Environment Agency officers - working with Dartford and Gravesham Borough councils, Kent Police Rural Task Force and the Dartford and Gravesham Community Policing teams - stopped 36 waste vehicles and seized 8 of the vehicles while checking their paperwork was in order.

Two police officers to the left check the paperwork of a driver standing next to a white van to the right

Officers checked the paperwork of waste vehicle drivers

The Environment Agency was checking vehicles in the Dartford and Gravesham area, to check they had a valid waste carrier’s licence and waste transfer note describing what waste they were carrying, where they picked the waste up from and where they were taking it to. Waste collectors must have this paperwork as part of their ‘duty of care’ to be able to collect waste legally.

The Environment Agency and its partners seized the 8 vehicles for various offences such as no valid insurance. They also found a number of waste offences, including not being registered as a waste carrier. The Environment Agency will be taking further action against any operators that had no valid waste carrier’s licence or were not compliant with their duty of care.

Image shows large white panel van loaded on the back of a transporter

Another seized waste vehicle is taken away

Matt Higginson, Environment Manager for the Environment Agency, said:

We regularly run these multi-agency operations to check waste collectors are complying with the law. As the results from these operations show, we will not hesitate to use our enforcement powers.

Everyone has their part to play in stopping waste crime. To help avoid giving your waste to an illegal waste carrier and your waste ending up at an illegal waste site, we encourage you to ask your waste collector for their waste carrier’s registration number and ask to see their waste transfer note. They must be able to produce both. We also encourage people to avoid paying in cash.

Any investigation by the Environment Agency that leads to a successful conviction could see those responsible facing extensive fines and even a prison sentence.

Image shows a man checking the paperwork of the driver of a white van, viewed between a police officer and an Environment Agency officer

Paperwork checks included inspection of waste carrier’s licences and waste transfer notes as well as vehicle insurance

Anyone who suspects illegal waste activity is reminded to report it to our 24 hour hotline by calling 0800 80 70 60, or anonymously contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Check your waste collector’s waste carriers registration or call 03708 506 506.

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Published 9 August 2021