World news story

Universal Periodic Review 27: UK Statement - Netherlands

This statement was delivered by the UK on The Netherlands at the 27th Session of the Universal Periodic Review.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
The Universal Periodic Review takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The Universal Periodic Review takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The United Kingdom recognises The Netherlands’ strong constitutional commitment to maintaining and strengthening human rights.

Turning specifically to the labour market, the UK recognises that unemployment among people with disabilities in the Netherlands has fallen from 66% in 2012, to the current 44%. More broadly we encourage measures to ensure pregnant women and mothers do not face unnecessary barriers when working or returning to work.

We recommend:

  1. Revision of existing job schemes to ensure access to a wider spectrum of work for people with disabilities than provided for under current legislation, to comply fully with CRPD.

  2. Progressive development of existing capacity to effectively tackle modern slavery in fulfillment of your shared treaty obligations, building resilience across the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands.

  3. Work to ensure equal access to justice across the Kingdom, including opening offices to provide easily accessible legal advice and referrals in Saba, Bonaire and St. Eustatius.

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Published 10 May 2017