World news story

UNHCR Standing Committee 69th Session: Update on Resettlement

This statement was delivered by the UK at UNHCR Standing Committee 69th Session during the update on resettlement on 28 June 2017.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
UNHCR's headquarters are in Geneva.

UNHCR's headquarters are in Geneva.

The UK aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the EU and it’s member states. The UK thanks the Deputy Director for the update and the excellent report on such a busy area of work, and which refs to the suit for this work by a number of MS including the UK. The UK remains committed to resettlement as a key part of the solutions for the world’s refugees. We would like to thank UNHCR for its partnership on this work and for the UK’s several resettlement programmes aiming at providing resettlement to the most vulnerable amongst refugee populations, including children. This includes the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme for Syrian refugees. Under this scheme the UK has committed and is in track to resettle 20,000 refugees, identified through UNHCR’s seven submission categories and we thank you for this assistance.

The UK is also a supporter of initiatives which build capacity amongst those states who may be new to the area of resettlement or who are seeking to expand their programmes. This is why we were pleased to be an early supporter for the ERCM. These kinds of initiatives will be particularly important to keep in mind as we collectively consider resettlement in the context of the CRRF.

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Published 30 June 2017