World news story

UK Climate Change Special Representative visits Russia

Sir David King visited Moscow on 22-24 November for meetings with senior Russian officials and business leaders on low carbon development.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Sir David King visited Moscow at the invitation of the Russian Ministry of Energy to take part in Russia’s annual Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (ENES) Forum. At the Forum Sir David gave a keynote address to around 400 people alongside Energy Minister Alexander Novak. Sir David also participated in the roundtable of city mayors on the theme of city leadership on energy efficiency and sustainable development. Sir David highlighted the benefits of, and scope for, city-to-city level collaboration between the UK and Russia on sustainable city development.

During his visit Sir David was accompanied by representatives from the UK Building Research Establishment (BRE), ND Metering (a UK manufacturer of smart meters) and Wartsila UK (a company with interests in renewable energy). During the visit, BRE and the Moscow State Construction University (MGSU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on Building Information Modelling systems (BIM) and on the development of a green building standard for Moscow, drawing on lessons learned from the UK BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) experience.

Sir David met with Deputy Energy Minister Anton Inyutzyn and senior Russian officials from 4 Ministries (energy, environment, economic development, and construction). In addition, he held meetings with key business representatives, including ROSNANO Chairman Anatoly Chubais (a company manufacturing nanotechnology) and RUSAL CEO Vladislav Soloviev (a Russian aluminium company). He discussed the prospects for energy efficiency, clean technologies and potential business opportunities that could arise as a result of the transition to a low carbon economy.

At a roundtable on carbon pricing regulation, hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development, Sir David shared the UK’s experience and lessons learned in the context that Russia is considering its own potential carbon regulation. A roundtable on climate impacts highlighted the case for Russia to drive global emissions reductions, and underscored the value of involving insurance firms in costing climate risks.

Alongside Manchester Mayor Tony Lloyd, Sir David also reached out to the next generation participating in a workshop organized by the Forum for the Future and Russian Sustainable business lab ‘SKOLKOVO’. This targeted young Russian professionals interested in placements with leading UK companies in the field of sustainability. The successful Russian candidates were awarded a scholarship for an intensive short course in London on sustainable system change, including work experience in a leading UK business.

After his visit Sir David King said:

I was delighted to visit Russia straight after the climate change negotiations in Marrakesh, to take part in Russia’s annual Energy Efficiency Forum. Climate change is an area of mutual interest, where Russia and the UK can have constructive dialogue. Both countries have supported the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and I was pleased to meet with government and industry representatives to discuss areas of co-operation. The Paris Agreement presents us with an enormous opportunity to invest in a low carbon future for energy and infrastructure, as shown by the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the BRE and Moscow State Construction University to advance sustainable construction in Russia.

Sir David King was appointed Special Representative for Climate Change in September 2013 and this was his second visit to Russia since taking up the role.

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Published 30 November 2016