World news story

UK-China Cultural links and trade boosted at the Silk Road International Expo

During the first 2 days of the Expo, a number of agreement and MoUs have been agreed between the UK and China.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
UK Pavilion at the Silk Road International Expo

UK Pavilion at the Silk Road International Expo

Baroness Fairhead, UK’s Minister of State for Trade and Export Promotion led the largest ever UK business delegation to North West China on a visit to Xi’an this week. At the Expo she opened the UK pavilion.

During the first 2 days of the Expo, a number of agreements and MoUs were agreed between the 2 countries to boost cultural and trade links.

On the afternoon of 11 May, Baroness Fairhead met with Shaanxi Governor Liu Guozhong to discuss the growing relationship between the UK and Shaanxi. The UK and Shaanxi already have excellent work under-way in:

  • agriculture
  • advanced manufacturing and technology
  • IP
  • healthcare and life sciences
  • culture
  • creativity
  • education

The National Museum of Liverpool is currently hosting an exhibition of the Terra Cotta Warriors in Liverpool demonstrating the cultural links between the 2 countries. The UK remains eager to see more trade and investment in both directions.


Following the meeting, she also witnessed 3 agreements and MoUs signed between the 2 countries, including:

  • Memorandum of Understandings for Conservation Collaboration between the Shaanxi Provincial Museums Association and the Institute of Conservation (UK) to promote knowledge exchanges in aspects of cultural heritage conservation
  • an agreement worth over £1 million between Loughborough College and colleges and polytechnics across the city of Dongguan to support apprenticeship delivery and enhance vocational education in China
  • Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation worth £1.5 million between Xixian New District Qinhan New City Sheng Bo Hui (SBH) Culture Company Limited and Nyce Limited to jointly cooperate on performance, publicity and ticketing and other related matters of the large-scale multimedia acousto-optic musical ‘the Boy, the Robot, and the Terra Cotta Warriors’. The musical will be managed by Nyce with a total of 3 performances in the UK. Both parties agree to jointly develop cultural performance project suitable for the Chinese market

Belt and Road

During the UK-China Belt and Road Higher Education Forum, Prof Chris Rudd, Provost of University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus officially announced University’s Haydn Green Institution International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Corridor (HGIIIEC) initiative.

This will establish a partnership between University of Nottingham and Haydn Green Foundation, UK, to sustain an international platform to encourage, develop and support global innovation and entrepreneurship.

The initiative covers 3 areas of collaboration on University Programmes:

  • entrepreneurship
  • industry engagement
  • city to city interactions

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Published 11 May 2018