World news story

UK and Indonesia calculate future energy together

The UK and Indonesia have launched a year-long collaboration on the development of a new energy planning tool for Indonesia.

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On Thursday 2 May 2013, the UK and Indonesia have launched a year-long collaboration on the development of a new energy planning tool for Indonesia – the 2050 calculator. The Government of Indonesia’s planning ministry (Bappenas), together with the National Energy Council and Energy Ministry, will work with British counterparts to adapt the UK Government’s ‘2050 Calculator’ to their own economy.

The online tool, which will be available to the public, shows the options and trade-offs associated with different future energy scenarios. The tool will help Indonesia to find solutions on issues –for example—finding a right balance between tackling energy demand through energy efficiency and building new power supply, or addressing the impact on energy security of different energy supply choices.

Jennifer Anderson, Deputy Head of Mission in Indonesia said:

The 2050 Calculator is a ground-breaking tool to help countries better plan their future energy strategy, in a transparent and evidence-based way. Last year, our Head of States met in Jakarta and agreed on collaborations including energy and climate change. I’m delighted to see this practical collaboration take shape, and we welcome this opportunity to work together with our colleagues here to develop an Indonesian energy calculator.

The UK’s 2050 Calculator, the first of its kind created, provides a comprehensive analysis of plausible pathways to a secure, low carbon energy system in the UK to 2050.

Endah Murniningtyas, Bappenas’s Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment said:

We are delighted to work together with the UK government on this collaboration, as it will help policy makers in Indonesia to find the best way to meet our energy objectives.

An Indonesian energy calculator would covers the entire energy sector, and will be open to experts and ordinary people alike, to model how different energy decisions will affect the whole country. The calculator should be implemented in Indonesia next year.

Notes to Editors

  • In 2010, the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) built the 2050 Calculator, under the direction of Prof. David Mackay, chief scientific advisor at DECC, to ensure its short and medium term planning was consistent with achieving the long-term aim of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by2050.

  • A simplified web tool My2050 was published alongside the 2050 Calculator to help the public visualise and discuss the options for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.

  • In December 2011, DECC published the Carbon Plan, and used the 2050 Calculator to illustrate three 2050 futures that show some of the plausible routes towards meeting the UK target.

  • DECC has successfully rolled-out this methodology for exploring energy scenarios internationally. Collaborations have been completed with China (The China 2050 Calculator), Belgium and South Korea.

  • The UK Government set up the International Climate Fund to help developing countries tackle climate change and reduce poverty.

  • DECC secured £2.1m of funding from the International Climate Fund to support work on a 2050 Calculator in 10 developing countries over the next two years.

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Published 21 May 2013