Press release

UK and Indonesia agree to deepen partnership

The UK and Indonesia held the Partnership Forum in London, where a broad range of agreements were reached including on cyber, climate change, and education.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
UK-Indonesia memorandum of understanding signing

Delegations of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Indonesia met in London on 17 June 2019.

The Indonesian delegation was led by H.E. Retno LP Marsudi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who was accompanied by H.E. Prof. Muhadjir Effendi, Minister for Education and Culture.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs led the UK Delegation, accompanied by the Rt. Hon. Mark Field MP, Minister for Asia and the Pacific.

This second Partnership Forum was held on a momentous occasion, as both countries celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2019. Indonesia and the UK have a special, broad and deep friendship which is vibrant and expanding, founded in shared values and history.

The Partnership Forum talks covered both bilateral and international relations, including cooperation in the UN Security Council.

They also discussed the potential for a future economic and trading agreement, education as priority area of cooperation, tackling counter terrorism, climate change and increasing intolerance worldwide.

A broad range of agreements were reached, including;

  • Indonesia and UK working together on counter terrorism/countering violent extremism during the next Indonesian Presidency of the UNSC, along with commitment to work closely together on wider UN issues, including via reciprocal visits;

  • A UK Indonesia Cyber dialogue in the run up to the UN Group of Government Experts meeting;

  • Agreement of co-operation between the UK and Indonesia to assist Indonesia on Low Carbon Development;

  • A shared commitment to maintaining continuity of FLEGT timber trade once the UK leaves the EU;

  • Indonesian participation in the UK-hosted Media Freedoms conference in July;

  • A joint commitment to ensuring that conditions on the ground in Myanmar are appropriate before any Rohingya refugees return, and that any returns are safe, voluntary and dignified; recognition of the important role of ASEAN in this regard;

  • UK support for Indonesian effort to develop high quality human resources in the Education sector;

  • A re-launch of the Joint Working Group on Creative Economy;

  • Step up economic cooperation including through regular working level economic dialogue;

  • UK support for Indonesian efforts to attract foreign investment to Indonesia, including UK participation in the Indonesian Infrastructure Development Financing Forum 2019.

  • The Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia also signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries on cooperative activities on maritime affairs.

The talks closed with an agreement for regular high level meetings between Heads of Governments as well as high level officials in the respective countries or in the margins of a multilateral event.

Both ministers emphasized the strategic value of the Indonesia – UK Partnership Forum as the backbone of the bilateral relationship.

Officials from both country’s Ministries of Defence also held the inaugural Defence Dialogue on Monday 17 June.

The Dialogue provided a senior level mechanism for the United Kingdom and the Republic of Indonesia to establish deeper and more sustainable defence cooperation that can deliver effect both bilateral and regionally.

The day of cooperation and celebration will end with a gala event hosted by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Education and Culture.

Minister Marsudi and Minister Field opened the event with warm words marking the 70th anniversary of relations between the two countries.

The Partnership Forum was agreed in 2006 by the Heads of Governments to deepen bilateral cooperation and promote strategic dialogue on multilateral and global issues.

The inaugural forum was held in 2007 chaired by the Foreign Ministers, with participation by guest ministers to highlight the priority issues between the two countries.

In 2019, the second Partnership Forum was also attended by the Minister of Education and Culture to emphasise Indonesia’s priority in strengthening human resources development.

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Published 18 June 2019