World news story

The UK and Russia’s co-operation on legal services: a natural fit

The UK’s export of goods and services to Russia have grown by a factor of 10 in the last decade - a major component of which has been legal services.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

This is what UK Minister of State for Justice, Lord McNally, told an audience of 60 Russian companies at the British Consulate General. The UK’s export of legal and other services exemplifies the natural fit between Russia and the UK in matters of commerce. The UK is traditionally strong in services, but light on resources. Russia is strong in resources, but lighter on services.

Lord McNally said:

The UK legal sector can help Russia pursue its goals, whether helping to drive the emergence of Moscow as a global financial centre or advising on big contracts for the new St Petersburg airport and ring-road. The UK is open for business, and wants to help Russian firms with everything it has to offer.

Joining Lord McNally at the seminar were the President of the Law Society, the Chair of the Bar Council, a QC from the Faculty of Advocates of Scotland and a number of UK legal firms.

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Published 16 May 2013