News story

Test facility speeds progress

Preparations are well underway on the new integrated test facility for the Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor at Winfrith Site.

The test frame under construction.

The large test frame will be used to test and trial key pieces of equipment which will then be used for decommissioning the reactor core.

This includes the performance of the mast mounted manipulator, as well as other key core segmentation equipment and tooling such as the Titan robot, remotely operated diamond wire saws, free standing cutting stations, and a host of other size reduction tools designed and developed by principal contract partner JFN Ltd. The off-site testing frame is based at JFN’s Caithness facility.

Take a look at this time lapse video, which shows at speed the delivery and installation of the central control room, erected from four ISO containers with walls removed, to provide a spacious open control room.

Test facility for Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor installed

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Published 17 December 2020