World news story

Sport Relief 2014 - Greece

Be a good Sport: On Sunday 16 March, the British Embassy Athens invites you to run or walk a Sport Relief mile (1.6km), in support of Shedia

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Sport Relief 2014

On the occasion of the 2014 Sport Relief Mile, the British Embassy invites you to put on your trainers and come to the top of the historic Kallimarmaron stadium and Ardittos Hill (entrance from 16 Archimidous street) on Sunday 16 March. This year, the British Embassy is supporting Shedia, Greece’s only street paper, a member of the International Network of Street Papers and a concept based closely on London’s Big Issue.

Be there any time between 10.00 and 14.00. Representatives from Shedia will be there to take your donations. If you are running, you can make a donation on the spot: an amount of your own choosing. If you are supporting, you are encouraged to join us and make a donation as sponsorship of those running.

Sport Relief is a biannual charity event organised by the British Comic Relief which, in association with BBC Sport, raises money to help vulnerable people in the UK and the world’s poorest countries. At the heart of the campaign is the Sport Relief Mile, which is a mass participation event open to everyone, of any age, with an athletic spirit. Participants are encouraged to cover a distance of approximately 1 mile by whatever means they are able.

Let’s bring together sport and entertainment! Together, let’s promote social inclusion, positive thinking and the right to dignity and self-respect.

Information: Aspa Giannopoulou 2107272650, Join our event on Facebook

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Published 11 March 2014